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OK K.O.! Wiki
Remember this! You are nothing without me, for a hero is not a hero without a villain!

Vormulax is a villain made up of black and purple clouds. She is Shy Ninja's arch-enemy and she made her first appearance was in an interview in the short "Boxmore Infomercial". She was first seen in the series in "Know Your Mom", fighting and losing a battle against Shy Ninja.

Physical Appearance[]

Vormulax takes on a bug-like appearance. Her head is of a similar shape to that of a stereotypical alien, with a round cranium and a sharp, pointed chin. She also has notable large, red compound eyes, sharp fangs, and sharp, crooked horns. Vormulax has a rather stocky purple body, three-fingered hands with claws, and magenta "shoulder-pads".

At the Villains Night event, she wears a pearl necklace.


Vormulax is known to hiss when angered.

Abilities and Powers[]

  • Levitation: Due to her having no legs, she levitates to get around.
  • Teleportation:She teleports to sneak behind a fighter.
  • Lazer Scratch: She uses her claws with lazers as an attack.



She is one of the judges for the Plazalympics event. For the Hero Toss, she gives the Daring Defenders a nine, the Cool Customers a six, and the Tiny Tots, a zero. She is impressed by the first two teams. For the Boulder Smash, she gives the Daring Defenders a six and the Cool Customers a two. She blows a bubblegum when K.O. toke long to smash the boulder. When K.O. is succeed, she gives the Tiny Tots a ten while bubblegum is on her face. At the end, she gives the Daring Defenders a windbreak for coming second place.

"Know Your Mom"[]

She battles with Shy Ninja at Lakewood Plaza Turbo and is defeated by her. She lets Shy Ninja to gloat her victory and is confused by her giggles. She tells her that she is nothing and not a hero without her.

"Stop Attacking the Plaza"[]

From a Board of Investors meeting at Boxmore with Cosma, Billiam Milliam, and Lord Boxman, she is annoyed that Lord Boxman is wasting her time and planning to depart the meeting to attack the plaza.

"Villains Night Out"[]

Billiam Milliam kisses her hand when she attends to the Villains' Night event at his yacht. Vormulax brings the karaoke machine. She makes a conversation with Big Bull Demon. She receives a t-shirt of Billiam's face on it and is not pleased by it. She does not enjoy Lord Boxman being in attendance and is replused by his dance moves and his video creation. She enojoys Big Bull Demon's karaoke performance and does not like Lord Boxman interrupting him. She is impressed by the Explode Off. She gets off of the damaged yacht after Lord Boxman ruins the night.

"You're in Control"[]

In the Board of Investors, she is happy to see Boxmore's rise of productivity.

"Dendy's Power"[]

She gets her Pow Card upgraded by Dendy.

"Boxman Crashes"[]

In a Board of Investors video meeting with Professor Venomous, they wonder about what they will be investing in from a large sum of capital. Then, she and the rest of the Board of Investors receieves a large sum of technos from Professor Venomous to buy Boxmore.

"KO, Rad, and Enid!"[]

In a battle between KO, Rad, and Enid, she gets defeated by them. Enid freezes her into ice and lands on a skateboard being pushed by K.O. Enid uses her power kick to defeat her.

"Big Reveal"[]

In one of Professor Venomous' flashbacks, she likes that Professor Venomous is making money for them.

"Let's Fight to the End"[]

She watches the Plaza Tournament.

"Thank You for Watching the Show"[]

In the "Vormulax's Nightmare" skit, she attempts to scare the Bodegamen with her tap dancing moves. Later, in the "Big Bill Duet" skit, she sees Big Bull Demon's performance.

Episode Appearances[]


  • Vormulax travels from planet to planet, destroying quality small businesses.
  • She is an unaffiliated villain who terrorizes the plaza. She gives evil speeches in a loud, shrieking voice.[2]


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