“ | Destroy P.O.I.N.T. | ” |
Steamborg is a minor character on OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes. It is a robot that first appeared in a flashback in the episode "Glory Days." It is stated by Silver Spark to have been created by the evil Doctor Weakpoint.
Physical Appearance[]
Steamborg is a gray, rocky robot with one robotic eye and a large, pink core in the middle of his body. Its robot parts float, instead of connecting to anything. When it is hit in his weak spot, it disassembles. In "Let's Take a Moment", its eye is now replaced with a googly eye.
Steamborg is vengeful and wants to destroy all members of P.O.I.N.T. after being defeated by them.
Abilities and Powers[]
Its powers are the ability to punch people and shoots laser from its eye. When people try to weaken it, it regains back his body parts.
"Glory Days"[]
In the present time, K.O. found an eyeball that belonged to Steamborg in which Carol grabbed it and starts to recall her time from P.O.I.N.T. In the past time, the P.O.I.N.T. leaders leave El-Bow, Silver Spark, and Rippy Roo to clean up but then Steamborg's hand goes through the building to grab the junior members and throws them to the ground. The junior members struggle on how to defeat it from the first try. At the second time, the junior members were able to dismantle Steamborg and stored its parts in Rippy Roo's pouch. Its arm was able to exit from her pouch but El-Bow and Silver Spark worked together to destroy the pink core which disintegrates him leaving a mess. Its eyeball was in the hands of Foxtail. The P.O.I.N.T. members except Silver Spark and Laserblast cleans up the parts so that it would not be able to reform himself.
"Let's Take a Moment"[]
Steamborg returns to the present time at which it targets Mr. Gar and Carol in front of Gar's Hero Supply & Bodega. It prepares to punch Mr. Gar only to be delayed by time being slowed down. Steamborg missed and punched the concrete due to Carol taking Mr. Gar away. Mr. Gar and Carol team up and are given an advantage to fully defeat him and disintegrates.
He is one of the enemies of P.O.I.N.T. as his main objective was to destroy them signified his catchphrase. It is only seen battling the junior members in "Glory Days" and Mr. Gar and Carol in "Let's Take a Moment". It is defeated twice by them.
Doctor Weakpoint[]
It is not known much about his relationship with his creator other than that his creator programmed him to defeat P.O.I.N.T.
Episode Appearances[]
