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OK K.O.! Wiki
Gar transcript
This is a transcribed copy of "Red Action to the Future".

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Previous: "Your World is an Illusion" Next: "TKO's House"
Speaker Dialogue
[Open. Int. Gar's Hero Supply & Bodega - Day]
K.O. Ready...
(Red Action dips her hand cannon into a box of Lazer Chips.)
Enid Aim...
(Red Action has a Lazer Chips bag loaded.)
Red Action Action.
[Title: Red Action to the Future title card and beginning credits]
(Red Action blast the chips bag to the shelf.)
K.O. *jumps* Score!
(Red Action blasts three triplet chip bags to the shelf.)
Enid Thanks again for coming in to help stock shelves, Red.
(A chip bag falls and K.O. catches it.)
K.O. Yeah! It's nice to have a helping hand cannon on Rad's day off.
(K.O. eats the chips and lasers fire out from his mouth.)
K.O. Whoa-ho-ho! *hugs chip bag*
(Enid brings in an end-cap display.)
Enid Mind topping off this end-cap display, Red?
Red Action On it.
(Red Action loads a Lazer Chips bag in her hand cannon and blasts it. The bag goes into Enid's direction.)
Enid Whoa!
(Enid transforms into her tree stump. The chips bag heads to Dogmun's direction.)
Red Action Eee...
(K.O. gasps. Enid transforms back to herself.
Enid Look out!
(Dogmun eats the chips. Lasers fire out from his body. K.O. holds onto Enid. Red Action, Enid, and K.O. laughs. Dogmun leaves. K.O. lies on the ground and writes "K.O. Rulez" on the ceiling with his mouth from the Lazer Chips. He contines to eat the chips.)
Enid (O.S.) Your hand cannon seems like it pulls a little to the right, Red.
Red Action *chuckles* Yeah. *pops her hand out* Remind me to aim to the left in the future.
Enid Heh... yeah. The future.
K.O. This chip is my new best chip.
(A potato is sliced into pieces and cooked. Lasers zap the chips and it glows.)
K.O. Thinly sliced neutral zone potatoes coated in two— two layers of premium laser goodness, guaranteed to zap your taste buds! *hums; chews the chips*
Enid You shouldn't get attached to those chips, K.O. They're probably just a limited edition.
K.O. *spits lasers* But they're so good! *hugs the chips* I love them. Wait! Red Action, you're from the future. Did you ever see these chips there? *shows the chips*
Red Action *examines the chips* Let me see.
(Red Action's belt beeps. Red Action tosses the chips to K.O.)
Red Action My Hue Troop Communicator?
(Red Action pushes the button of her belt and the communicator displays Yellow Technique in a hologram.)
Red Action Yellow Technique?
Yellow Technique Red Action. This is an emergency. *removes mask* It's time for you to return to 301X. We are facing our greatest threat...
K.O. Enid, who's that?
Enid That's Yellow Technique from Red's old team, the Hue Troopers. Something must be up if she's calling all way from the future.
Yellow Technique So? You'll come back and fight?
Red Action Mm... I kind of got plans today.
Yellow Technique Plans!? What "plans" could possibly be more important than the ultimate battle for the universe?
K.O. & Enid The ultimate battle for the universe?
Enid *runs to Red Action* We are so in.
K.O. *runs to Red Action* Yeah!
Red Action How about it, Yellow? Can they come, too?
Yellow Technique *scoffs* Of course not! If the people from the past learn too much about the future, it can completely change the timeline. *puts mask on* Just come, okay?
(Yellow Technique goes to K.O. and Enid.)
Yellow Technique Alone.
(Yellow Technique closes the communicator.)
Enid Sounds pretty serious.
Red Action Yeah, but I'd hate to bail on our plans.
K.O. So don't—
(Enid covers K.O.'s mouth.)
Enid ...worry about us! Ha... We'll be fine. Hanging out here is fun and all, but this is probably more important. You should go.
(Enid walks away.)
Red Action Alright. If you insist.
(Red Action shoots out a time capsule from her belt.)
Red Action I'll be back before you know it.
(Red Action opens the time capsule and enters through. She comes back.)
Red Action Oh, I'll find out if they still make Double Dip Laser Chips in the future, alright? *winks*
(Enid and K.O. waves to her. The time capsule disappears.)
K.O. I sure hope so.
Enid Let's get back to shelving.
(Enid stocks up the Double Dip Lazer Chips.)
K.O. So, Enid, when do you think Red Action's gonna be back?
Enid It sounded like a big mission. I'm sure as long as we're patient everything gonna be—
(Red Action returns, groaning. Enid runs to see her.)
Enid She's back!
(Red Action is on the ground with a plasma rifle. K.O. and Enid comes to her.)
Red Action *groans* Hey, guys. *waves*
Enid You're all beat up.
K.O. How was your super epic battle for the universe?
Red Action Pfft. "Epic"? More like stupid.
(Red Action grabs the chips from Enid and opens the bag.)
Red Action This war has been going on for months, and I hate it. *chews chips loudly*
Enid Months? You've already been in the future for months?
Red Action Mm-hmm. I can't believe I left the Hue Troop rope my dumb butt into this.
Blue Power Red Action! I better see that butt on the field in five or so help me, I'll drag it out myself. *sees Enid* Oh! Hello, Enid.
Enid Hey, Blue Power. How's the troop?
Blue Power So kind of you to ask. Black and Green are—
(A tiny borg bites Blue Power's head.)
Blue Power Oh! Hue Troop, eliminate!
(Blue Power tosses the tiny borg in the air in the future. Green Guts, Black Strategy, and Yellow Technique zaps the tiny borg.)
Red Action *gets up* Well, you heard her.
Enid Hey, I told you, it's cool. Go do your whole save-the-universe thing. I'm not even worried about it.
Red Action Really? Cool! *winks; gives thumbs up* I'll be back as soon as this is over with Laser Chips. It'll be great.
(Red Action to the portal to the future. Enid sighs and walks away.)
K.O. Don't worry, Enid. I'm sure she'll find the chips soon.
Enid I'm not worried about the chips, K.O. I... I'm worried that, like... what if while Red is off fighting this battle for the universe, she grows up and forgets all about... you know, us?
K.O. Then why did you tell her to go?
Enid I was afraid that if I got in the way of her time travel stuff, she wouldn't hang out with us... just like she isn't now. *faceplams* Ahh! *sighs* I should have just been honest, huh?
(K.O. nods in agreement. Red Action returns to the present.)
Red Action Oh, thank Cob! I hoping I left this blaster here! *picks up plasma rifle* It's been a crazy couple of years. We'll talk soon. *packs up rifle*
K.O. Now is your chance, Enid!
Enid *runs to Red Action* R-Red! Wait up!
(Red Action goes to the future. Enid turns to K.O. and he nods. Enid runs fast and kicks her way into the portal. She enters the future.)
[Trans. Ext. Future]
(In the future, the buildings are destroyed. Fires are igniting. Pieces of tiny borg robots are in a pile. Enid falls out from the time capsule.)
Enid *looks around* Oof! I thought I was right behind her. *stands up* Where am I? It's totally messed up.
(An arm of a tiny borg pulsates. Enid steps on it and breaks.)
Enid Whoa! Man, chill out, Enid. There's nothing scary about the future —
(A blast flies by her. Enid is startled.)
Enid Whoa!
(Enid inadvertently power kicks Yellow Technique.)
Yellow Technique Ow!
(Enid runs to Yellow Technique.)
Enid Oh, my gosh. I-I'm so sorry. *gasps* Yellow Technique?
(Yellow Technique sees Enid.)
Yellow Technique Enid. What are you doing here?
Enid Looking for Red. And why'd you try to plasma blast me?
Yellow Technique I thought you were one of the grunts working for those giant borgs.
Enid Giant borgs?
(A crash is heard. Enid gasps and turns around.)
Yellow Technique They're the reason we're still fighting.
(A Giant borg approaches them.)
Yellow Technique (O.S.) They destroyed this place, and they want to destroy the Hue Troop, too.
(Enid lends a hand to Yellow Technique.)
Enid Not today, they won't.
(Yellow Technique grabs Enid's hand and stands up. Enid runs and carries Yellow Technique from Giant Borg after it blasts a trail of lasers behind them. Enid and Yellow Technique hides behind a pile of Tiny Borgs scraps. Giant Borg is confused where are they hiding. Enid places Yellow Technique on the ground.)
Enid You okay?
Yellow Technique I'll be fine. But I got separated from Red Action a while ago. For all I know, she might be gone.
Enid Gone? Evil borgs took over everything, and now…
(Giant Borg overhears Enid's and Yellow Technique's conversation and comes behind them.)
Enid I'll never see Red again?
(Red Action, but older, is far in the distance from Giant Borg, Enid, and Yellow Technique.)
Red Action Hey, Tin-for-Brains!
(Enid and Yellow Technique turns around.)
Enid Oh! Never mind.
Red Action You lookin' for some action?
Enid Red! I need to talk to y—
(Yellow Technique covers Enid's mouth.)
Yellow Technique Don't distract her, you buffoon.
(Red Action dodges from Giant Borg's attack. Red Action slides away.)
Red Action Eat plasma, nerd.
(Red Action's cannons turns into rockets. She flies to Giant Borg.)
Red Action Whoo!
(Giant Borg activates a force field around and Red Action punches the force field. She jumps down and rolls away from Giant Borg's blasts.)
Red Action Huh? Oh, I get it.
(Red Action flies over Giant Borg.)
Red Action You got some kind of force field, huh? Guess I just gotta smash it!
(Red Action struggles to blasts the force field off.)
Red Action Urghh. Break already.
Enid The force field absorbs plasma. Red!
(Red Action sees Enid.)
Red Action Huh?
(Giant Borg grabs Red Action and slams her to the ground.)
Enid Red!
(Enid runs to Red Action.)
Red Action Ugh. Enid? What are you doing here?
Enid Never mind that. How do we beat this thing?
Red Action That dumb force field keeps absorbing my plasma, but I don't know what else to blast at 'em!
Enid *sighs* I know. Blast me at 'em instead.
Red Action Huh?
(Enid transforms into a tree stump. Red Action catches her.)
Enid Load me up, Red.
Red Action Heh! You always were a thrill-seeker, Enid… just like me.
(Red Action stands up and faces Giant Borg. She loads Enid in her hand cannon.)
Red Action You ready?
Enid Ready.
(Giant Borg deactivates its force field. It runs towards them. Red Action points Enid to it.)
Red Action How's my aim?
Enid (O.S.) You're off. A little to the left. Think you can make the shot
Red Action I don't think. I just do!
(Red Action launches Enid. Enid transforms back to herself.)
Enid Hi-ya!
(Enid kicks through Giant Borg leaving a hole on its body. Giant Borg screams. Red Action and Yellow Technique sees Giant Borg's defeated. Enid lands on the ground.)
Enid Unh.
(Giant Borg explodes.)
Enid Ha-ha, it worked!
(Yellow Technique holds onto Red Action and Red Action holds onto Yellow Technique. They are behind Enid. Enid turns around to see them.)
Red Action Yeah, but if it hadn't, that thing would've wiped us out.
Enid Well, sure. If you want to be, like, a total bummer about it. Since when were you so serious about all this future stuff?
Red Action "Since when"? Look around, Enid. I know you're trying to help, but this war is the Hue Troop's responsibility, not yours.
(Red Action activates the time capsule to the present.)
Red Action Go back to 201X.
Enid You're kicking me out? Wait, Red, I actually came all this way to tell you I —
Red Action Tell me what?!
Enid *gasps; sighs* Nothing. I guess I'm not cool enough to hang with the all-important Hue Troop anymore. Oh, well. Later, jerks.
[Trans. Int. Gar's Hero Supply & Bodega - Present]
(Enid returns to the present. K.O. stocks the chips.)
K.O. Enid! How'd it go with Red Action?
Enid I called her a jerk, K.O.
K.O. What?! I-I-I thought you wanted her to come back.
Enid I do! But… a lot of stuff happened, okay? I-I couldn't think straight. *sighs* And now she'll probably never want to see me again.
K.O. Oh… whipple dip dip. *'sighs* I'm gonna miss those chips.
(The time capsule warbles open.)
K.O. *gasps* Enid! Look!
Enid *turns around* Wha—
(An even older Red Action steps out from the time capsule.)
K.O. Whoa!
(The time capsule closes.)
Enid R-Red Action?
Red Action Enid! *hugs Enid* I'm so happy to see you! Oh, man. *puts down Enid* Remember when I shot you at that giant borg and we totally wrecked it? It turns out their weakness was organic matter all along. Like, I can't believe none of us ever tried punching or kicking those things until then. We were able to save the universe because of you, Enid. It...kind of took a decade or so, obviously, but look at all these medals I got!
(Red Action shows Enid her medals. She points to each one.)
Red Action (O.S.) I got this one for destroying 10,000 borgs in 0.2 seconds, and I got this one for protecting 20,000 civilians in 0.1 second, and I don't remember what this one means, but it looks cool as heck.
Enid That's amazing, Red. You really went off and had this whole life… and — and stuff.
Red Action *laughs* Yeah. *looks at Enid* I'm sorry it took me so long to come visit. After I kicked you out of the future like that, it just — it never felt like the right time. Forgive me?
Enid Actually, I owe you an apology, too, Red. Everything you've done in the future is incredible, but I-I wish you'd stayed here, in the present. Every time I tried to tell you, though, I-I chickened out. I didn't want you to feel like I was some annoying, clingy nerd.
Red Action Oh, Enid.
Enid But now I know that wasn't fair to either to us. Maybe if I'd been honest

before you left, we could have been together for years. But, hey, I'm grateful for the time we did have, you know?

Red Action Me too. I'm glad I got to see you guys… one last time.
Enid Oh, yeah. You should get going, huh? I bet you got a bunch more future battles to win and stuff.
Red Action Yeah, I got to do some war hero junk at, like, Space Congress. *puts hand on Enid's shoulder* Thanks for the fun times, Enid. Thank you, too, K.O, for, uh...being here.
K.O. I'm always here.
(Future Red Action activates the time capsule.)
Red Action Well, see ya.
(Future Red Action leaves. The time capsule disappears.)
Enid Uh... M— Mm— *sighs*
(Red Action, from the present appears behind K.O. and Enid.)
Red Action Psych!
Enid Red? *Laughs; hugs Red Action* You came back!
Red Action I never left.
(Enid and Red Action stops hugging.)
Enid Wait, what? I thought you were gone for good. And, like, way older.
Red Action Nahhh. I totally changed that timeline.
[Flashback - Int. Gar's Bodega - Past]
(The timeline where the Hue Troop communicates Red Action is changed to the future version of herself communicating to Red Action. Her future version comes from the time capsule. Red Action meets her future self.)
Red Action (V.O.) My future self dropped by earlier and told me how I was gonna win the ultimate battle for the universe, but I should wait 'til I'm older to go back to the future. I guess she always wished she'd spent her youth here before going full war hero. So, I did her a solid and changed her past by staying in 201X. In fact, you were there the whole time.
[Flashback ends]
Enid I guess I remember that now.
K.O. Me too. So, all that stuff today happened and didn't happen? Plus I got new shoes!
(Red Action, Enid, and K.O. walks by the Lazer Chips shelf.)
Red Action Cool, right?
Enid This time stuff's weird.
K.O. I don't know. I feel pretty good about it.
(Enid and Red Action sits on the counter.)
Red Action Oh, yeah. My future self told me one more thing before she left. Turns out they will eventually stop making Double Dip Laser Chips…
(K.O. becomes sad.)
Red Action because they'll start making Triple Dip Laser Chips!
(Red Action gives K.O. a bag of Triple Dip Lazer Chips. K.O. jumps and chomps down the chips. Three different colored glowing lasers beams out from his mouth.)
K.O. Yes!
Enid Huh. I guess some things actually do get better with time.
Red Action I guess… if you're a nerd.
(Red Action turns to Enid with chips laying on top of her mouth.)
Red Action Psych.
(Red Action eats the chips and lasers come out. Enid and Red Action laughs.)

Season 1
Season 2
Season 3