Mr. Allen Work is a background character on OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes. He first appeared in the episode "My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad".
Physical Appearance[]
Paper Face is seen with formal attire, sporting a light blue dress shirt, a dark teal tie, blueish-gray jeans, and black, pointed shoes.
He has pure white skin, and his face consists of a blank piece of paper.
Abilities and Powers[]
His briefcase holds strange gizmos and inventions and also paperwork.
In "My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad", he ordered a Joe and Macaroni from Beardo with Cookie Man and Bill Burp.
Cookie Man & Bill Burp[]
Not much is known about his relationship between them other than they both ordered food from Beardo and leaving as a group.
Episode Appearances[]
- He along with Ice Creamy, and Joe Cuppa all seem to be of an "object head" species.
- He is the result of a nuclear copy machine accident.[1]
- His weakness is always late for a meeting.[2]