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OK K.O.! Wiki
This article is about the character. You may be looking for the minisode.
Coding is not a power I was born with. I learned coding from scratch, it is how I express myself. It took a lot of effort, but it was fun, even though it wasn't always easy. With enough dedication, anyone can have this power, even you K.O.
—"Dendy's Power"
Click here for more quotes of Dendy.

Dendy is a young hero and works primarily with gadgets and technology. She is best friends with K.O. Her first introduction in the series was in the minisode "Dendy" and her first episode debut is in "I Am Dendy".

Physical Appearance

Dendy is short in height and is almost as tall as K.O. She has light green skin. Her hair is olive brown at a short chin-length in a bob-cut style, though as she ages, her hair becomes chest-length. She wears light cyan prescription lenses in a pair of cerulean goggles due to having no external ears, a golden yellow jumpsuit, and short sky blue boots. She usually carries a teal-colored technological backpack (in the game OK K.O.! Lakewood Plaza Turbo, her backpack is colored orange) known as her Hack-pack. Her skin progressively gets greener as she ages, as seen in the time-skip of "Thank You for Watching the Show".

In Season 3, Dendy now wears a beret the same color as her backpack. It is revealed in "You're a Good Friend, KO" that she wears it to cover up the pond she was starting to form in her head, something she says that all Kappas start to form as they grow. She is self conscious about it, but as she grows more comfortable with it, she keeps the beret because it looks cool.[1] Her head pond contains a goldfish and a single lilypad.

Early concept art for the show depicted Dendy as an elf or goblin-like creature with pointed ears. According to series creator Ian Jones-Quartey, Dendy had always been intended to be "non-human", though it wouldn't be until later into the series' development before they settled on making her a kappa.


Dendy is very intelligent and driven and enjoys helping friends. The first friend Dendy made was K.O.; the two met when Dendy requested his help finding backpack supplies in "I Am Dendy" as an excuse to hang out with him. Dendy can seem a bit distant and does not seem to understand social norms, but is enthusiastic and kind once befriended. When pursuing a goal, she sometimes shows a lack of regard for others, as demonstrated in "I Am Dendy" when Dendy suggests dismantling Mr. Logic in order to get a glorb, or in the episode "Mystery Science Fair 201X", when she experiments on K.O. without a regard for his well being, simply to push him to his limit. Despite this, Dendy means well and is a truly wonderful kid, and wishes to develop beyond her current view of just science, and learn about how to be open with her emotions.

Abilities and Powers

As seen in the short, "Dendy", she has the ability to change objects into other objects, (ex. changing a tree into an elephant) with the use of her computer backpack, which she refers to as a 'hackpack'. The backpack can also be used to alter the behaviors of objects, as shown when Dendy uses it to make the junk-fish free K.O. in "I Am Dendy". Dendy may have invented the backpack, in which case she'd be a gifted inventor, but this is unclear. Dendy is also very intelligent and knows how to use and manipulate various technologies, as shown in "I Am Dendy" when Dendy is able to quickly dismantle and reassemble Mr. Logic's hair trimmer, and in "Face Your Fears" when Dendy knows how to use the helmets to connect multiple people to the fear game. Dendy's coding skills are so incredible she is able to alter the appearances of living beings. In "Dendy's Power", she changed K.O.'s nose by plugging her hackpack into it and altering it's code.

Dendy also knows how to break into a van, and therefore might how to break into other things as well. Dendy seems to have background knowledge on a variety of subjects, as demonstrated in "We've Got Fleas" when Dendy knew that in order to become an animal, one would have to be bitten by a were-animal.

Dendy has also been shown to be extremely fast and strong, able to run at speeds shown to rival or exceed K.O.'s, and she can easily pull K.O. alongside her while running. She can also jump really high thanks to her suit providing electricity to her feet as seen in "Dendy's Power", though being as she is a kappa, she may have the ability to jump quite high regardless.

Episode Appearances


  • Early concepts of Dendy were elf-like. She was intended to be non-human but only became a kappa later on.[2]
    • In Ian Jones-Quartey's first pitch, Dendy was originally a different character named "Jenny" who was in her early teens like K.O. when he was originally supposed to be a teen. Jenny was originally a future cyborg from the pitch, which Red Action later adopted these traits. It was revealed that the character Jenny was redesigned by Toby Jones and later got her name changed to Dendy.[3]
  • Whenever Dendy is introduced in an episode, it is accompanied by the sound of children cheering.
  • Her weakness is non-fact based humor.
  • Dendy lives in a swamp.[4]
  • She has a very large Pow Card collection stored in her Hack-Pack.
  • Dendy's appearance is similar to Velma's younger counterpart from Hanna-Barbera's A Pup Named Scooby-Doo.
  • In "KO's Video Channel", Dendy reveals that every day at 6:15 in the morning she watches Rad do pull-ups when he wakes up, which insinuates that she may have a crush on him.
    • Ian Jones-Quartey revealed on Twitter that the reason why Dendy's behavior was strange to Rad was that she looked up to Rad because he's unashamed of who he is even though he comes from he considered as unusual family background. They both have that in common and there would have been an episode that explores this relationship.[5]
  • Her name is based off of the Dendy game console (a hardware clone of the Nintendo Famicom) that was popular in Eastern Europe in the '90s. [6]
    • While she was not named after it, there is also an amphibian species known as Dendy's Toadlet that is native to Australia.



Main Characters
Crossover Characters
