OK K.O.! Wiki

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OK K.O.! Wiki

Black Strategy is from the future and is a member of the Hue Troop. She first appeared in "Back in Red Action".

Black Strategy is the no-nonsense, technical genius of the Hue Troop.

Physical Appearance[]

Black Strategy is a young woman of average height and physical muscular build with pale skin, black eyes and long, black, knee-length hair with a gray bow at the top. She, like the other members of the Hue Troop, wears a set of armor that consists of a light blue collar, shoulder pads, a chest plate, and bracers with light blue motifs, along with gray pants, knee pads, and high-heeled shoes. On missions, she dons a white mask with a black visor.

The symbol on her belt buckle is a pentagram.


Black Strategy, as the team strategist and technologist, is calm and level-headed. She is a quick thinker and is skilled in battle. She is very matter of fact and is more excited by data and info than punches and kicks.[1]

Abilities and Powers[]

  • Laser Blast: Both her arms transform into cannons and shoot lasers.
  • Screens: She can project black, floating computer screens.
  • Time Traveling: She can use a device to open a time portal.
  • Strength: She can be physically strong.

She has Darkweb EMP blast can fry any tech or computer except hers.

Episode Appearances[]


  • Black Strategy isn't actually her real name, the name was given to her as a member of the Hue Troop. Her real name is currently unknown as she is isn't allowed to reveal it until the day she retires, which is when the Prysma Crystal is passed down to the new generation.
  • Her character concept and design are created by Mira Ongchua.
  • Her design is based on Rei Hino, aka Sailor Mars, from the Sailor Moon franchise.
  • She is the only member of the Hue Troop whose signature color, black, is actually completely lacking in hue.
  • Black Stragety is confirmed to be a lesbian.[2]


Image Gallery

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Black Strategy.


Main Characters
Crossover Characters
